Over the years we have developed and delivered many different solutions from mainline u-boot as per our customer requirements. Apart from customer projects, we have been also contributing to mainline u-boot development in number of ways and one of team member is maintainer of u-boot subsystems of U-boot SPI and Allwinner SOCs.
In past we have provided following u-boot solutions:
- U-boot porting
- Secure boot
- Falcon boot
- Firmware update
- U-boot customization
- Boot time optimization
- Watchdog and Redundant boot
We have mainlined many socs boards such as:
- RK3399 SOCs: Nanopi T4, Nanopi M4, Nanopi Neo2/4, Orange Pi,
- Allwinner A64, A20, A33, A13, H3, H5, H6 soc boards
- NXP IMX 28/6QDL(L) socs boards