X.Org Foundation 2022- Amarula Solutions

X.org Foundation 2022
X.org Foundation 2022

X.Org Developer’s Conference 2022

The X.org Foundation is organizing the X.Org Developers Conference (XDC) 2022. We are happy to share that we will participate in this event.

Amarula Solutions is a software consulting company focused on open source projects and embedded systems, in Linux and Android environments. We are experts in kernel development down to the application level and work daily with various BSP customization tasks, our experience covers various architectures.

Jagan Teki, our Hyderabad office team leader, will attend the X.Org Foundation Developers Conference 2022 as a speaker. He will talk about Runtime display switch implementation in a Linux DRM bridge subsystem.

“Due to the rapid evolution of industrial graphics, display interface vendors are building display bridges to address the discrepancy between application-specific display interfaces and on-chip display controllers (as per SoC, MCU). This allows the on-chip solution provider to easily focus on a single display interface. In this way, the application will be able to choose a direct interface or any other interface using a display bridge “. See the full review here.

This conference is the annual technical meeting for X Window System and Free Desktop developers. Three events with free participation and open to the public will take place together.

We hope to have inspiring and productive conversations with Jagan Teki!

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