Amarula Solutions at OSS & ELCE 2019


Participating community conferences and joining hands on with open source technologies and related developers around the world, is one of the key objective of Amarula Solutions.

On that note, we are pleasure to announce that our Amarula team would be Participating, Speaking our work at OSS & ELCE, 2019 Lyon, France. Let’s discuss more about how Amarula Solutions work is impacting the Open Source Linux and related ecosystem project developments.

Talks lined up

2019 State of U-Boot Development Report – Jagan Teki – Monday, October 28 • 14:25 – 15:00 CEST

The U-Boot bootloader has been evolved for nearly 2 decades and is one of the primary and well-known opensource bootloader choice for embedded industry.

The 2019 State of U-Boot development report describe the key updates, features, issues and challenges faced so far on U-Boot community project.

This talk Jagan Teki start with a brief overview of U-Boot community, TPL, SPL, U-Boot Proper, Build process and Startup sequence and then he traverse how different features has been adopted in U-Boot start from the project beginning to most recent versions till 2019. From this traversing he will address the key features like Image boot, FIT, EFI, Secure Boot, DTS, Driver Model, Device Firmware Upgrade, ATF, OP-TEE and etc.

Once giving enough report, he will also talk about steps to port U-Boot to new hardware. Finally, he will address and review ongoing development work, issues and future development on U-Boot community.

Firmware Security Methodologies from A to Z – Shyam Saini & Jagan Tei Wednesday, October 30 • 14:25 – 15:00 CEST

System Security is one of the critical elements of modern era software & hardwares. There are many security solutions implemented in operating systems both at kernel level and user space level. But these security solutions are incomplete without the security mechanisms implemented at hardware initialization and boot time and lack of these could cause the whole system to be compromised. Given that fact the embedded devices are deployed for many mission critical operations there is huge risk of safety and security of users and devices.

To make systems completely secure, security at firmware and bootloader level should be implemented. So, In this talk the authors will discuss various boot and firmware security mechanisms such as Secure Boot, OP-TEE, Secure Boot Chain, Arm Trusted Firmware (ATF). The authors will also discuss different security solutions based on aforementioned security mechanisms and how these mechanisms could be integrated with uboot for the different applications.

Demystifying Linux MIPI DSI Subsystem – Jagan Teki Wednesday, October 30 • 15:15 – 15:50

The MIPI Display Serial Interface (MIPI DSI) is a versatile, high-speed interface for a variety of embedded solutions and it is the most common and widely used display interface.

Many users are moving to open source solutions and it becomes a daunting task for them to bring their LCD panels into working and usable state because of lack of technical documentation and guidelines for their vendor specific panels along with associated DSI controllers. So, this talk will address those issues and challenges which are observed while working on Allwinner MIPI DSI controller with variety of associated LCD panels, bridges by validating these interfaces via ARM Mali GPU.

This talk starts with a brief overview of Linux DRM subsystem with bounded display controller interfaces like HDMI, RGB, LVDS and DSI and then the talk will add more details about Linux MIPI DSI controller, DPHY, DSI panel, DSI bridge interfaces drivers along with how these display drivers interact with GPU drivers.

We are cordially invited fellow attendees and developers to meet us. We would be glad to meet and have discussion on our work and open source development projects.

See you at the conference!!

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