Anniversary – Amarula Solutions


Amarula Solutions celebrate is 9th Anniversary!

On our anniversary we would like to express all our gratitude to all who continue to contribute to our company growth and success.

Our history

AMARULA SOLUTIONS was created on 04 October 2011 in the Netherlands.The company was founded by a group of experts IT engineers and entrepreneurs active in the field of embedded technologies.

From the beginning our dream was to believe in ourselves. We gave our best so that our hopes and dreams could come true.

Participating in the Mobile World Congress we presented an innovative migration of a PDA / Smartphone born with Windows CE / Mobile to Android. This solution was immediate success and all started from there.

The Italian office was opened in 2015. From there, the opening of the offices in Prague in 2016 and Cardiff in 2017 followed. In 2019 we confirm our leading market position with the opening of our new India’s office.

Our successes

The turning point for Amarula was the collaboration on the project of the world’s first Android smartPos Albert. This opportunity in 2014 led Amarula Solutions to triple its number of employees.

Our vision

On our anniversary we would like you all to remember our vision and our slogan : “Go far, Go together”. We are always consistent in identifying and employing new exceptional talents to improve and build a professional, dedicated, clients focus responsible team, doing so laying the foundations for our continued growth and technical innovations.


Firstly, we would like to thank the whole Amarula Solutions team. All our employees and partners who, with a lot of commitment and enthusiasm, have allowed the company to achieve this important result. Your dedication and collaboration are inestimable value to Us.

We would also like to thank all Amarula Solutions customers for choosing us and for continuing to place their trust in us. With your continuous business you have allowed us to celebrate the 9th year of activity with success. 

We firmly believe that with our dedicated commitment and your long term cooperation we will find ourselves celebrating many more “anniversary” together.


Again Thank you.

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